How does a corporate Supply Chain Manager with over 20 years of experience become the owner of a skincare company? Faith and the belief that there is a community that wants truly plant-based natural products that are beyond the ordinary. So, with this belief, Bohemian Beehive was created in 2019 to foster this community. Those with skin challenges or just simply believe in natural skin care now have a source for skin-loving products made from natural and organic ingredients. Skin is the body's largest organ and can be cared for internally as well as externally. My products provide moisturizing hydration which is key to keeping skin healthy and allowing it to provide the best protection to the body.

I come from a long line of women who were naturalists and understood the delicate balance between nature and life. The journey began for me at 15 when I seriously started studying herbs and when cocoa butter became my best friend. Later in life, my daughter was born with eczema that could be severe at times and I suffered adult acne. Formulating natural plant-based solutions became a way of life for many years. For any skin challenge, there is no one size fits all. Al their variations and other factors such as diet, stress, and environment can be contributing factors. Bohemian Beehive does not offer a cure but formulates products that will calm, moisturize, and hydrate the skin to reduce the effects during the healing process.

As the owner, I will always strive to inspire, educate, and motivate customers who prescribe the naturalist lifestyle. Ingredients are purchased locally and nationally from other small businesses that offer eco-friendly and sustainable products. The small in “small business” is approachable, personable, and most of all-powerful.
Feedback and questions are always welcome, and I am happy to share my creations with all.
